Hopkinsville Child Custody Lawyer

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Hopkinsville Child Custody Attorney

When parents decide to divorce or separate, child custody is one of the primary issues that come up. It is of the utmost importance to ensure the child’s stability and well-being, and reaching a fair custody agreement can sometimes be a challenging and emotionally charged process. In such complex cases, it is vital that you hire a Hopkinsville child custody lawyer to effectively help you work towards an agreement that benefits your child and cultivates a healthy co-parenting relationship.

Hopkinsville Child Custody Lawyer

Choose Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law

The law office of Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law, has legal professionals who are dedicated to providing excellent representation. Our team leads with compassion while being aggressive in our advocacy for our clients. We can protect and defend your rights as a parent or a de facto custodian.

Understanding Child Custody in Hopkinsville

Child custody involves determining parental rights and responsibilities when a divorce or separation occurs. Custody arrangements often vary because they depend heavily on family circumstances and what’s in the best interest of the children involved. If you are in the midst of a custody battle in Hopkinsville, it is important that you understand custody arrangements, the factors that can influence custody decisions, and your rights as a parent, as well as your child’s rights.

Child Custody Arrangements

In Hopkinsville, Kentucky, there are two main forms of child custody that are recognized: legal custody, which determines what parent has the authority to make important decisions about how the child is brought up, and physical custody, which determines who the child lives with. Both types of custody can either be sole or joint.

Kentucky has what is called a rebuttable presumption that favors joint custody and shared parenting time. The court will assume joint custody and shared parenting are in the best interest of the child unless otherwise proven by evidence or the parents come to an agreement on a different arrangement that works for them. The joint custody involves shared legal and physical custody.

If the parents can reach an agreement on visitation and custody, the judge will make sure it serves the child’s interest before approving it. In cases where an agreement cannot be reached between parents, mediation is often a helpful option to help parents focus on the needs of their child and come up with a plan that is the most beneficial to them. If an agreement still cannot be reached, a judge will typically make the final custody decision based on all evidence given.

Factors That Influence Child Custody Decisions

Courts take several factors into consideration, the primary one being the child’s best interest when deciding on a custody arrangement that will both ensure the well-being of the child and ensure both parents spend as much time with them as possible. Here are some key factors that can influence child custody:

  • The wishes of the parent or parents
  • The child’s wishes, also considering the influence a parent may have over their decision
  • The child’s relationship with both parents, siblings, and anyone else they may interact with significantly
  • The child’s adjustment to their community, home, and school
  • The physical and mental health of everyone involved
  • Evidence of domestic violence from either parent and how it has affected the child
  • The likelihood of one parent allowing the child to have frequent contact with the other parent

Protect Your Rights as a Parent

Both parents have legal and physical responsibility for their child, and both parents have equal rights when it comes to their child unless a court order says otherwise. You must protect your rights and your presence in your child’s life during custody proceedings. By working with an experienced Hopkinsville child custody lawyer, you can make sure your voice is always heard, and you maintain your parental rights throughout.

Your lawyer can help you gather evidence showing your relationship with your child and your role in their life. They can also help you negotiate a custody arrangement that addresses your child’s interests while preserving your relationship with them. Sustaining a strong, loving relationship with your child is essential to their well-being and development. Take the necessary steps to protect your rights.


Q. How Much Does a Custody Lawyer Cost in Kentucky?

A. The cost of a custody lawyer varies in Kentucky. There are many factors that may influence a lawyer’s fees, such as their level of experience, their reputation, how complex your case is, and how much time is spent on your case. Cases that are more complicated, requiring extensive mediation and litigation, may incur higher attorney fees. You should discuss the costs and fees associated with your case at your initial consultation.

Q. Can a Child Choose Who to Live With in a Custody Battle?

A. While the court will take a child’s wishes into consideration, ultimately, the child does not choose who they live with in a custody battle. A child’s preference is given some weight depending on their age, maturity level, and the reason behind their preference. However, the court makes the final decision.

Q. How Is Child Custody Determined in Kentucky?

A. Child custody in Kentucky is determined by a number of very important factors. Although the state has a rebuttable presumption that essentially favors joint custody as the default custody arrangement, the main goal is to come up with a custody arrangement that serves the child. It should support the child’s stability, emotional development, and overall well-being.

Q. Can I Modify an Existing Custody Agreement?

A. Yes, you can modify an existing custody agreement under certain circumstances. You must wait a specified period of time before you can make any modifications unless there is reason to believe the child is in danger, or that there has been a change in a parent’s ability to take care of the child, or there are significant issues with the current arrangement.

Consult With a Skilled Hopkinsville Child Custody Lawyer

If you want to ensure you get an outcome in your child custody case that favors both you and your child, you can consult with a child custody lawyer at the law office of Michael J. Thompson, Attorney at Law. Our legal professionals have an in-depth understanding of family law and the local court system. Schedule a consultation with our office today.

Free Initial Consultation Today

If you live in Oak Grove, Fort Campbell, Hopkinsville, or Cadiz, Kentucky, don’t face your criminal charges on your own. Reach out to criminal defense attorney Michael J. Thompson and schedule a free consultation to discuss your criminal charges. You can reach Mr. Thompson at (270) 439-1175. You can also contact our law firm by filling out our online contact form.

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15744 Fort Campbell Blvd
Oak Grove, KY 42262